1. Data Package
A utility library for working with Data Package in PHP.
1.1. Features summary and Usage guide
1.1.1. Installation
composer require frictionlessdata/datapackage
Optionally, to create zip files you will need the PHP zip extension. On ubuntu it can be enabled with sudo apt-get install php-zip
1.1.2. Package
Load a data package conforming to the specs
use frictionlessdata\datapackage\Package;
$package = Package::load("tests/fixtures/multi_data_datapackage.json");
Iterate over the resources and the data
foreach ($package as $resource) {
echo $resource->name();
foreach ($resource as $row) {
echo $row;
Get all the data as an array (loads all the data into memory, not recommended for large data sets)
foreach ($package as $resource) {
All data and schemas are validated and throws exceptions in case of any problems.
Validate the data explicitly and get a list of errors
Package::validate("tests/fixtures/simple_invalid_datapackage.json"); // array of validation errors
Load a zip file
$package = Package::load('http://datahub.io/opendatafortaxjustice/eucountrydatawb/r/datapackage_zip.zip');
Provide read options which are passed through to tableschema-php Table::read method
$package = Package::load('http://datahub.io/opendatafortaxjustice/eucountrydatawb/r/datapackage_zip.zip');
foreach ($package as $resource) {
$resource->read(["cast" => false]);
The package object has some useful methods to access and manipulate the resources
$package = Package::load("tests/fixtures/multi_data_datapackage.json");
$package->resources(); // array of resource name => Resource object (see below for Resource class reference)
$package->getResource("first-resource"); // Resource object matching the given name
// add a tabular resource
$package->addResource("tabular-resource-name", [
"profile" => "tabular-data-resource",
"schema" => [
"fields" => [
["name" => "id", "type" => "integer"],
["name" => "name", "type" => "string"]
"path" => [
Create a new package from scratch
$package = Package::create([
"name" => "datapackage-name",
"profile" => "tabular-data-package"
// add a resource
$package->addResource("resource-name", [
"profile" => "tabular-data-resource",
"schema" => [
"fields" => [
["name" => "id", "type" => "integer"],
["name" => "name", "type" => "string"]
"path" => "tests/fixtures/simple_tabular_data.csv"
// save the package descriptor to a file
Save the entire datapackage including any local data to a zip file
1.1.3. Resource
Resource objects can be accessed from a Package as described above
$resource = $package->getResource("resource-name")
or instantiated directly
use frictionlessdata\datapackage\Resource;
$resource = Resource::create([
"name" => "my-resource",
"profile" => "tabular-data-resource",
"path" => "tests/fixtures/simple_tabular_data.csv",
"schema" => ["fields" => [["name" => "id", "type" => "integer"], ["name" => "name", "type" => "string"]]]
Iterating or reading over the resource produces combined rows from all the path or data elements
foreach ($resource as $row) {}; // iterating
$resource->read(); // get all the data as an array
1.2. Contributing
Please read the contribution guidelines: How to Contribute