1. Table Schema
A utility library for working with Table Schema in php.
1.1. Features summary and Usage guide
1.1.1. Installation
$ composer require frictionlessdata/tableschema
1.1.2. Table
Table class allows to iterate over data conforming to a table schema
Instantiate a Table object based on a data source and a table schema.
use frictionlessdata\tableschema\Table;
$table = new Table("tests/fixtures/data.csv", ["fields" => [
["name" => "first_name"],
["name" => "last_name"],
["name" => "order"]
Schema can be any parameter valid for the Schema object (See below), so you can use a url or filename which contains the schema
$table = new Table("tests/fixtures/data.csv", "tests/fixtures/data.json");
iterate over the data, all the values are cast and validated according to the schema
foreach ($table as $row) {
print($row["order"]." ".$row["first_name"]." ".$row["last_name"]."\n");
validate function will validate the schema and get some sample of the data itself to validate it as well
Table::validate(new CsvDataSource("http://invalid.data.source/"), $schema);
You can instantiate a table object without schema, in this case the schema will be inferred automatically based on the data
$table = new Table("tests/fixtures/data.csv");
$table->schema()->fields(); // ["first_name" => StringField, "last_name" => StringField, "order" => IntegerField]
Optionally, specify a CSV Dialect:
$table = new Table("tests/fixtures/data.csv", null, ["delimiter" => ";"]);
Table::read method allows to get all data as an array, it also supports options to modify reader behavior
$table->read() // returns all the data as an array
read accepts an options parameter, for example:
$table->read(["cast" => false, "limit": 5])
The following options are available (the values are the default values):
"keyed" => true, // flag to emit keyed rows
"extended" => false, // flag to emit extended rows
"cast" => true, //flag to disable data casting if false
"limit" => null, // integer limit of rows to return
Additional methods and functionality
$table->headers() // ["first_name", "last_name", "order"]
$table->save("output.csv") // iterate over all the rows and save the to a csv file
$table->schema() // get the Schema object
$table->read() // returns all the data as an array
1.1.3. Schema
Schema class provides helpful methods for working with a table schema and related data.
use frictionlessdata\tableschema\Schema;
Schema objects can be constructed using any of the following:
php array (or object)
$schema = new Schema([ 'fields' => [ [ 'name' => 'id', 'title' => 'Identifier', 'type' => 'integer', 'constraints' => [ "required" => true, "minimum" => 1, "maximum" => 500 ] ], ['name' => 'name', 'title' => 'Name', 'type' => 'string'], ], 'primaryKey' => 'id' ]);
string containing json
$schema = new Schema("{ \"fields\": [ {\"name\": \"id\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"integer\"} ] }");
string containg value supported by file_get_contents
$schema = new Schema("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frictionlessdata/testsuite-extended/ecf1b2504332852cca1351657279901eca6fdbb5/datasets/synthetic/schema.json");
The schema is loaded, parsed and validated and will raise exceptions in case of any problems.
access the schema data, which is ensured to conform to the specs.
$schema->missingValues(); // [""]
$schema->primaryKey(); // ["id"]
$schema->foreignKeys(); // []
$schema->fields(); // ["id" => IntegerField, "name" => StringField]
$field = $schema->field("id"); // Field object (See Field reference below)
validate function accepts the same arguemnts as the Schema constructor but returns a list of errors instead of raising exceptions
// validate functions accepts the same arguments as the Schema constructor
$validationErrors = Schema::validate("http://invalid.schema.json");
foreach ($validationErrors as $validationError) {
validate and cast a row of data according to the schema
$row = $schema->castRow(["id" => "1", "name" => "First Name"]);
will raise exception if row fails validation
it returns the row with all native values
$row // ["id" => 1, "name" => "First Name"];
validate the row to get a list of errors
$schema->validateRow(["id" => "foobar"]); // ["id is not numeric", "name is required" .. ]
Infer schema based on source data:
$schema = Schema::infer("tests/fixtures/data.csv");
$table->schema()->fields(); // ["first_name" => StringField, "last_name" => StringField, "order" => IntegerField]
You can also create a new empty schema for editing
$schema = new Schema();
set fields
"id" => (object)["type" => "integer"],
"name" => (object)["type" => "string"],
appropriate Field object is created according to the given descriptor (see below for Field class reference)
$schema->field("id"); // IntegerField object
add / update or remove fields
$schema->field("email", ["type" => "string", "format" => "email"]);
$schema->field("name", ["type" => "string"]);
set or update other table schema attributes
after every change - schema is validated and will raise Exception in case of validation errors
Finally, you can get the full validated descriptor
And, save it to a json file
1.1.4. Field
Field class represents a single table schema field descriptor
Create a field from a descriptor
use frictionlessdata\tableschema\Fields\FieldsFactory;
$field = FieldsFactory::field([
"name" => "id", "type" => "integer",
"constraints" => ["required" => true, "minimum" => 5]
Cast and validate values using the field
$field->castValue("3"); // exception: value is below minimum
$field->castValue("7"); // 7
Additional method to access field data
$field("id")->format(); // "default"
$field("id")->name(); // "id"
$field("id")->type(); // "integer"
$field("id")->constraints(); // (object)["required"=>true, "minimum"=>1, "maximum"=>500]
$field("id")->enum(); // []
$field("id")->required(); // true
$field("id")->unique(); // false
$field("id")->title(); // "Id" (or null if not provided in descriptor)
$field("id")->description(); // "The ID" (or null if not provided in descriptor)
$field("id")->rdfType(); // "http://schema.org/Thing" (or null if not provided in descriptor)
1.2. Contributing
Please read the contribution guidelines: How to Contribute